Starting from Scratch

I won’t be in a place to buy a business before graduating next spring. I also feel like my coursework and networking will be help put me in a good place for that acquisition. I am turning my attention to practicing skills needed to operate and build a web business. This will give a good background to evaluate potential acquisition targets and give a head start on what I need to learn to actually run the business.

My fiance and I are starting a blog with the goal of growing it to be as large as possible. The current plan is to monetize with ads, affiliate (likely Amazon), and – in phase two – selling digital downloads. For marketing, we will focus on SEO, instagram, Pinterest and building and email list. This is a combination of refreshing skills we haven’t used in a decade and updating them to the current state of the art.

I may also take this opportunity to move this blog from to my webhost and to start publishing under my real name. I think there is more positive to gain from sharing and networking than potential negatives.

I will also say that the work I am doing on buying and starting businesses is entirely part time for as long as possible and hopefully for many years. I am most interested in pursuing the opportunities that can add significantly to my existing income and career.

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